public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from "Xavier Lacot" with tag "semantic web"

April 2008

The Evolution of Web 3.0

by 1 other
Marta Strickland talks about the Web 3, the Web 2, the Web 1, the semantic Web... All about the Web, anyway. Getting bored of it all.


Dans le monde dynamique de la publication en ligne, Nstein propose un ensemble complet de solutions spécialement conçues pour les organisations orientées contenu. Ces solutions permettent de définir et de créer une expérience continue de la marque sur le Web qui maximise les actifs, augmente les revenus en ligne et répond aux attentes des clients.

March 2008

The Yahoo! Search Open Ecosystem

by 2 others
Yahoo opens to the semantic web. A few weeks ago, we began talking about the new Yahoo! Search open platform. Today, we're releasing more details about two important components of the initiative -- the developer platform as well as our support of a number of semantic web standards.

Accessibility problems with microformats

The Massachusetts Commonwealth Chief Technology Strategist Sarah Bourne posted a comment about problems that microformats present for website accessibility.

February 2008

11 Things To Know About Semantic Web - ReadWriteWeb

"Semantic Web will start the long, slow decline of relational database technology", "If you have a firm grasp of the theoretical underpinnings of the semantic web, things like RDF, tuples, Sparql and OWL that make my brain hurt, you will be able to charge a fat premium in consulting fees for a while, as not many people really understand this stuff. But make hay while the sun shines, as some entrepreneur will surely figure out how to abstract this stuff and make it accessible for the masses."

An ontology that describes tags, as used in the popular and Flickr systems, and allows for relationships between tags to be described.


by 1 other
MOAT (Meaning Of A Tag) provides a Semantic Web framework to publish semantically-annotated content from free-tagging.

Sindice semantic index

Sindice, indexing millions of RDF documents

State of the Semantic Web

Presentation given at the IC2008 2008, in Nancy, France, on the 18th of June, 2008.

January 2008


by 1 other
This is a site for large data sets and the people who love them: the scrapers and crawlers who collect them, the academics and geeks who process them, the designers and artists who visualize them. It's a place where they can exchange tips and tricks, develop and share tools together, and begin to integrate their particular projects.

December 2007

Cool URIs for the Semantic Web

by 2 others
The Resource Description Framework RDF allows the users to describe Web documents and resources from the real world—people, organisations, things—in a computer-processable way. Publishing such descriptions on the Web creates the Semantic Web. URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers) are very important, forming the link between RDF and the Web. This document presents guidelines for their effective use. It discusses two strategies, called 303 URIs and hash URIs. It gives pointers to several Web sites that use these solutions, and briefly discusses why several other proposals have problems.

10 Semantic Apps to Watch

by 1 other
The purpose of this post is to highlight 10 Semantic Apps. We're not touting this as a 'Top 10', because there is no way to rank these apps at this point - many are still non-public apps, e.g. in private beta. It reflects the nascent status of this sector, even though people like Hillis and Spivack have been working on their apps for years now.

October 2007


"The problem of where to file: Is it possible to construct the perfect classification system?"

August 2007

RDFa used in Joost

Joost have started to put a little RDFa into their pages.

July 2007

How to publish Linked Data on the Web?

There is already a lot of structured data accessible on the Web through Web 2.0 APIs such as the eBay, Amazon, Yahoo, and Google Base APIs. Compared to these APIs, Linked Data has the advantage of providing a single, standardized access mechanism instead of relying on diverse interfaces and result formats.

June 2007


Free + Database = Freebase It's about film, sports, politics, music, science and everything else all connected together. Our contributors are collecting data from all over the internet to build a massive, collaboratively-edited database of cross-linked data. It's a big job and we're just getting started.

Zitgist : Browse the Semantic Web

Zitgist (pronounced "zeitgeist") is an industry standards compliant Semantic Web Query Service. Its goal is to help Web users locate data, information, and knowledge on the Web. Zitgist is based on a new search paradigm: users describe characteristics of their search target, instead of relying entirely on content keywords.

Amusons nous avec RDFa... et Operator |

by 1 other
Un script capable d'ouvrir le fichier FOAF d'une personne via Foaf Explorer. Le script fonctionne sous 2 conditions : l'entité décrite est du type foaf:Person et elle est définie par une URI externe (précisée par la propriété rdfs:idDefinedBy).

Google 2 0 embraces Semantic Web

by 1 other
The recently-announced revisions to the Google search service may require agency Webmasters to do more preparation to get their agency's content properly indexed by the site.

Semantic Web Education and Outreach Interest Group Case Studies and Use Cases

Samples of systems using Websem concepts, that have been deployed within an organization and are now being used within a production environment, and also some use case studies.

May 2007

Deploying Web-scale Mash-ups by Linking Microformats and the Semantic Web (1)

A complete overview of the relations between microformats and the semantic web.

April 2007

by 1 other
Ce site est rédigé par une poignée de designers de sites web désireux de mettre en pratique les outils méta-données mises à notre disposition aujourd'hui.

W3C Semantic Web FAQ

by 1 other
Frequently asked questions about the Semantic Web.

March 2007

January 2007 - Querying Wikipedia like a Database.

by 7 others is a community effort to extract structured information from Wikipedia and to make this information available on the Web. dbpedia allows you to ask sophisticated queries against Wikipedia and to link other datasets on the Web to Wikipedia data.